Exit Planning
Chaffe’s Certified Exit Planning Advisors (CEPA) assist business owners to understand all of the alternatives available in today’s market. When business owners seek our advice, the first priority is to understand fully what you hope to achieve, personally, financially, and for your business. From this vantage point, we work closely with you to evaluate your objectives and formulate a strategy that accommodates your timing and lifestyle decisions.
Chaffe will collaborate with your other trusted advisors to create an integrated master plan consisting of:
- Maximizing Business Value
- Personal Financial Planning
- Life After Business Planning
Whether you intend to sell to a third party, or retain the business in your family, the Exit Plan is designed to build, harvest, and preserve family wealth integrating best-in-class business practices into daily operations. There is peace of mind knowing that you have done the right thing for your family, your company, your employees, and your customers.
See our latest Exit Planning Presentation.