Tax Reform: Implications for M&A

*To access the presentation materials, please click here: TAX REFORM Implications on MA – Stone Pigman and Chaffe – May 1 2018 – Webinar

*To access a recording of the webinar, please click here:

Complimentary Webinar

May 1, 2018 | 12:00 p.m. Central Time

The new tax law has important implications for the structuring and financing of M&A transactions and will affect the pricing of deals.  Sellers, private equity firms, investment bankers, and strategic acquirers will need to adjust common practices in order to maximize benefits and protect interests under the new law.

Join your friends from Chaffe & Associates and Stone Pigman for a complimentary webinar that will examine how certain tax law changes, including limitations on interest deductibility and net operating losses, expensing of certain capital expenditures, and the new 20% pass-through deduction, will impact the M&A market.  The panel members will address the tax reform effects on:

  • M&A activity and volume,
  • Pricing and business valuation,
  • Choice of entity, and
  • Deal structures

The panel members will also apply the changes to hypothetical M&A scenarios to demonstrate how the new tax law might come into play.

Registration Link 

Please contact if you have any questions or encounter problems registering for the webinar.

 Investment banking services offered through Chaffe Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SPIC.

 ATTORNEY ADVERTISING: The information contained herein does not constitute a legal opinion and should not be relied upon by the reader as legal advice or be regarded as substitute for legal advice.  Stone Pigman Walther Wittman L.L.C. has offices in New Orleans, Baton Rouge, and Houston.